Under immense pressure diamonds can be made from coal. Nature innovates a way to transform a rudimentary rock into a beautiful gem. It’s at rock bottom where a mere mortal builds character to become a ‘diamond’. No two stones are alike, and no two persons are alike either. His name is iEKNOWS, and with the help of director Nassacre the Orlando, FL emcee shares his journey from rock bottom. It was from rock bottom that iEKNOWS became a king at innovating his way to rise above the stress; learning to roll with the jabs, the lefts, the rights, and the low blows that life throws at him. The Innovative King aspires to inspire from his video showing that rock bottom is temporary, rock bottom is necessary, rock bottom is nurturing, and most of all, Rock Bottom Is Beautiful.
‘Rock Bottom Is Beautiful’ is the latest video from iEKNOWS since ‘Intermission 1998‘ which is from his upcoming album ‘Rolling With The Punches’. For further insight from the Orlando, FL emcee you can read his interview by Lacrxz or even better, just ask him yourself this November 28th at BackBooth.com for his performance presented by TSA Showcase.