The color red signifies passion…or does it represent hatred? It’s difficult to say as the emotional spectrum is more complex than most of Crayola’s crayon names. Orlando, FL singer, producer, and songwriter Kevin Cossom reminds us that it’s not always black and white, there’s grey. ‘Grey Area’ is an amalgamation of a blissfully lethargic ambience, chilly cadences, dense percussions cut with sharp hi-hats, and euphoric synths, all provided by producers Boi-1Da,Syk Sense, July, Hit My Pager, and Mekanics. The sound spectrum of ‘Grey Area’ is a place Kevin Cossom’s effortlessly serene singing reach stoic pitches, and his lyrics often flirt between the sentiments of loving and loathing. Embrace the grey as it’s always pleasantly apathetic but never dangerously definite.

Patrick Funom is the Editor In Chief of